Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87 of my 365 blog (2nd G word "Geometric")

March 28th,

Ummmm, Can you say DUSTY!  This is part of a candle holder that I have, and just noticed how gross it is.  I really need to clean!  LOL!  

Could this be GEOMETRIC?

PGH Marathon
38 days!

Crossfit day

5x5 Deadlift
Maxed out at 205#

Then we did a partner WOD of:
100 deadlifts 105#
100 burpees
100 KB Swings 35#
100 Goblet squats  35#
100 jumping pull-ups
4000 meter row

WOW!  Thank God it was a partner WOD!

Practiced toes-to-bars


  1. hahahaha - the dust gives it character...I'm shocked you posted the picture, you'e such a clean freak!!

  2. what in the world are goblet squats?

    1. Goblet squat is when you hold the kettle bell upside down at your chest, and do a low squat. Don't know why they call it Goblet, it's such a funny name!

  3. You're way too busy crossfitting and training to clean!!! That's one tough WOD....partner or not! Nice job on the deadlift. That hurts my back just thinking about that weight.
