Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 68 of my 365 blog (4th 'D' word Dangle)

March 9th,

The 'D' words this week are:

We had some funny kids in the hood TP us!  We just laugh it off tho, and it gave me a great picture for the word dangle.

They also left us a surprise at our front door.

Very poor quality, 
Dangling  TP from our front tree!!

They put a christmas tree at our front door,
I guess they didn't want to pay the extra fee to have it picked up on garbage day.
I also want to know who keeps a christmas tree up until MARCH!! 

Pgh Marathon
56 Days

3x12 min runs

1 comment:

  1. Kids still TP these days? Funny! Ok...I may have been irritated about the Christmas tree though. You're a good sport....
