Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 86 of my 365 blog

March 27th,

Gina made some awesome chocolate peanut butter cupcakes tonight from scratch.  They were so yummy and pretty!

YUMMY,  Thank you Gina girl!!
....and she had to have Zebra print!!

PGH Marathon
39 days,
OMG, getting so excited!

Ran with the bro today and it kicked my bum!


  1. They look great...she got that knack from her Nana! Nice job Gina Bean!

  2. YUM!!!! Are those paleo? HA HA!!!! Boy, I could go for one of those right now!

    1. Are you Paleo? I could never do that. I would love to, but I just cant! I need a cook to do that! I only ate one cupcake tho, thats good for me! Good for you if you are doing it, and let me know how you are doing!
