Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 of my 365 blog! (1st letter 'C' word coffee)

Feb 27th,

You all know that I am a coffee addict, but did you all know that I collect coffee cups too!  Well, I try to anyway!  My photo of the day is "Coffee" cups!

I also have a few christmas mugs too!  I hope to collect more.  

Pgh Marathon
67 days

Had a well deserved rest day!  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57 of my 365 blog

Feb 26th.

Our dinner tonight.  Stuffed Orange Roughy, broccoli, sweet potato, and a salad not shown.  I just wanted to show that I can make stuffed fish.  With the help of the fish guy at McGinnis Sisters, this turned out fantastic!!!!  Yummy! 

It was so good!

Pgh Marathon
68 days!
Raw was crazy hard today!
Over head squats 10 rep max!
Only did 55#, because of hips

4 rounds of
20 GI Janes (Burpee to pull up)
50 double unders
500 meter row

Hill treadmill run 6.5 speed
0.25m @ 1.0 incline
0.25m @ 2.0 incline
0.25m @ 4.0 incline
0.25m @ 1.0 incline
0.25m @ 6.0 incline
0.25m @ 1.0 incline
0.25m @ 6.0 incline
0.25m @ 1.0 incline


Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56 of my 365 blog

Feb 25th,

Gina filling out her first job application.  Yeah!!!!

Good luck Gina!

Pgh Marathon
69 days
Awesome day at RAW~
Pr'd on my Push jerk
Over my head!

Had a great workout too
2-a-days are tough!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55 of my 365 blog

Feb 24th.

The 'C' words for the week are up all, let try to get them all this week!

I had a great day, started with an awesome run this morning with the BRO, and then a great time with the "Jack" Family and their 6mo little guy.  Here is one sneak peak from the session today.
This is an unedited picture, but not much is needed for this lil guy!!

Here is the UNEDITED picture.

All this picture needs is a little lightening up, some cropping and then it will be perfect

Pgh Marathon
70 days

Had a GREAT run thru town
Great pace (9:30), Great weather (28*), Great distance (10+), and Great partner!!!
Thanks Bro!

Day 54 of my 365 Blog (5th 'B' word "beauty"

Feb. 23rd

Happy Saturday all!

My 5th 'B' word of the week is BEAUTY!

I love these flowers, and so does my mom.  Orchids from my mom's spare bedroom!

~So beautiful~

Pgh Marathon
71 days

Stretching all day long!
I needed this!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53 of my 365 blog (4th 'B' word "bunch")


This is my photo of the day is a 'B' word of the week "bunch"!  My husband has a bunch of clothes,  way more then I will ever have.  Here is the proof!  this picture does no justice on how much he has,  our closet is a decent size and this is a panoramic pic from my cell phone.  Not a very good picture.  Also all of his pants are under all of his shirts and jacket.  

He has 2 sides and I only get a 1/3 of one side!  
Hmmmm!  Is this a problem?

Pgh Marathon
72 days 
Had a fantastic Workout at RAW.
No running, but I will be running tomorrow and Sunday!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52 of my 365 blog

Feb. 21

I have received my canvas print that I had taken of my old Kodak Junior six-16 series camera, but I don't think it is working at the place I wanted to show it.  Please give me your opinion?


PGH marathon
73 days
Crossfit workout~
Learned a new move called 
Clean Squat Snatch.   
WOW very difficult movement.
Then an awesome Kettlebell WOD

10, 20, 30, 40, 50
kettelbell swings
finished in 12:20 (i think)

Day 51 of my 365 blog.

Feb 20th.

I think I have found one of the best inventions.  I think this is so neat.  I am always cleaning off my kitchen table, but one bad thing about it is we have a piece of glass over the wood table, so we don't scratch it up.  I use windex all the time and always keep it out, and it kind of drives me crazy because the bottle is so big.  So here is the solution:   

It is so nice and small, and you just dab the top with a cloth and wipe!  I love it!!!!

PGH Marathon
74 days
Back at it:
RAW WOD was great! 
Mini tabata done!

Sorry about missing this day,  I never published it!  Ooooppps!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50 of my 365 blog (2nd & 3rd 'B' word beneath and bubble)

Feb. 19,

I have 2 words for this one picture,  they are beneath and bubble,  kind of- sorta of!  
You can BOO me if you don't agree.

I think it's a really cool picture!
Blueberry beneath the bubbles!
Long shot, and thinking way out of the box!
Gina and I were playing before we enjoyed our milk and blueberries.  
~if you every want to try this,  you need to fill a small bowl with frozen blueberries, then add milk until filled to the brim, and mix.  It is like a frozen blueberry treat!  YUMMY!

  Pgh Marathon
75 days
Took another day off,  not feeling well!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 49 of my 265 blog

Feb. 18th,

I know this is a copy of my face book page,  but I just needed to vent again.

I love to run and I love to work out, but there will come a time that my body will need a break. Not in the immediate future, but only time will tell when I will have to take a break! So, this may be my last marathon for a few years, but not forever! 

I feel like I am always complaining, and I hate that. I am always in some sort of pain, some days not much at all, but some days I just have to work thru the pain. Hip dysplasia, arthritis, and erosion of the cartilage that covers my hip bones tend to give off a bit of pain. I always feel the more active I am the better I feel, sometimes!

Today I went to visit my dear ortho doctor that has been treating me for the past 5 years when I had my first labral tear. We have a love/hate relationship with each other, but I will always trust what he tells me. I have had 2 surgeries one on the right and one on the left side. I went in today I did the normal x-ray and stuff, and he did some mobility movements, that I don't like, because it hurts.
The X-rays now shows that I am losing more bone, and I have cysts on my hips, both sides and he says more arthritis. He continues to explain to me about what my next step is going to be. I can continue to workout, and run until I can't handle the pain anymore~ then I will need to schedule surgery for hip replacements.
I'm not sure how to take this, he told me that I won't have to worry about this until I'm in my 50's, but now I guess this will be taking place a lot sooner.
IN TEARS, and I don't know why! I am
 going to be ok!

I did get a nice surprise from Derek today,  He never gets me flower, but today he did.  

What a great guy!

Pgh Marathon
76 Days 

Took the day off!  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48 of my 365 Blog (Word of the day 'Blur')

Feb 17th.

Wow! Sunday comes and go's by so quickly.  I posted the words of the week for letter 'B'.


Challenge word is

My 'B' photo of the day is: Blur also called Bokeh pronounced "(Bo-Ke)" in photography terms.  

Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light"

Here are a few samples:

Lights in town very blurred out.

This was one of my senior session I had photographed in the fall.

 The one on the left has no Bokeh,  the one on the right has a shallow depth of field, which means the focal point is on the subject and lots of background blur, or Bokeh 

Frontal blur/bokeh-  Flowers were in front of her and were blurred out and focused on the subject.

 I love this Bokeh on the back ground here,  and just love this lil guy!
My cousins son, Chase!

Pgh Marathon
77 Days 

I was going to run my 10 miles this morning with the Bro, but we had to cancel because of the snow.
So I did some ladder workouts
I was suppose to do this on the speedboard at RAW, but could not make it in time.
So I did:
1min on, 50 sec break
1min on, 40 sec break
and went all the way down to 10sec break, 
then started back up the ladder with 
1 min on, 10 sec break
1 min on, 20 sec break
..... and so on!

I was so upset at my self that I could not hold a pace faster then 8.0,  until I realized that I didn't lower the incline.  It was on 5%.
That was a tough, tough workout.

Day 47 of my 365 Blog

Feb 16th

Well my last 'A' word of the week for me is Amazing!  You all can boo me for this one, but I think it is Amazing in my eyes.

~Heart shaped Pineapples~

~Chocolate covered strawberries~

....from my amazing husband!!!!

Pgh. Marathon 
78 days

Did 4 x 5 minute intervals.
with 3 min recovery.
50 squats and 50 abmat sit-ups

Day 46 of my 365 blog (#3 A-Z word is "Air")

Feb 15th,

Ok another "thinking outside the box" A-Z Photography.

My 3rd A word will be "AIR"

Photo of the Day is:

 ~Photo-session fun~
These girls got some major air!

Pgh Marathon
79 day

Tabata run
No fun at all, but so done!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 of my 365 blog

Feb 14th,

Happy Valentines day everyone!  Hope you all had a great day.  I also wanted to say Happy anniversary to my wonderful mom and her wonderful husband.  Love you both!

I will be posting the rest of my A-Z's photos tomorrow.

My photo of the day is:

I am going to try this, and hope it helps me remove my last 10 lbs that  is lingering on.

Keeping fingers crossed!  This has some wonderful recipes that I think my entire family will love.

Pgh Marathon
79 days

Did a jumprope work out
with some ab and back extension work too


15min all out run
finished 1.78 miles

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44 of my 365 Blog (A-Z photo! 2nd A word)

Feb, 13th.

Here is my 2nd "A" word 

Angle,  I am thinking way outside the box for this one.

My definition of angle for today is:   A viewpoint; standout:

In other words.

I am taking a different angle on how to love my ______ more.......

Way outside the BOX!

But I do see some angle on this 'family' sign.

Pgh Marathon
80 days
Tough workout again today.
Crossfit was crazy and way to long to post.
I managed that WOD
GHD 3x10
~then a few hours later~
10 k TT

Good night and I hope this was not pushing it to much!  

Day 43 of my 365 Blog (A-Z photo, 1st 'A' word)

Feb. 12th,

Hello again,  So happy to see some of you are posting your a-z photography pictures.  Lets get this started.
Please friend and follow everyone that I emailed you so we can comment on each others pictures.  
The 5 words are:
1. Angle
2. Air
3. Architecture
4. Athletic
5. Amazing
My photo of the day is the word Athletic:

Me and my friends that ran the Ragnar race the year.  I consider us all athletic! 

I know this is a cheater, because I have already posted this picture but i don't really care!
I just love how good we all look considering what we had just accomplished.
Ran- relayed from Miami to Key West
Pgh Marathon 
81 Days.
Had to take a rest day!

.....On to the next one!

Day 42 of my 365 Blog

Feb. 11th,

Ooops!  A few days behind on my blog, and yes I am upset about it.  I really hate when I do this,  it only takes a few minutes, but somedays I just don't have that time.  Or I just don't want to be on the computer again.  LOL!

Well I am pretending that this is Monday and I will go from there.

Hmmmm, what did I do on Monday!  Oh yeah, I went thru all of my engagement photos I took from the last year.  Boy oh boy,  I had a great time with all of my couples.  I do have a Picture that I would like to share with you all.

I just love every thing about this one, especially the poem on the picture.  You may have a problem reading this,  but when it is blown up it is so beautiful.

Great reflection. They were just so natural and have so much love for each other!  I can't wait to photograph their wedding this May.

Pgh Marathon
82 days
Had a great workout at Raw,
Lots of shoulder work and pull ups

Then a few hours later, 
5 x 800 meter runs.
that was tough!
1. 4:00min @7.5
2. 3:51min @7.8
3. 3:44min @8.0
4. 3:35min @8.2
5. 3:30min @8.4
Thank you to Jamie for the push on these.

Enjoy, now on to the next day I missed!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41 of my 365 blog

Feb 10th,

Sunday funday!  Had a great run with the bro!

Photo of the day, is another quote I love.  I wish this is what I looked liked.  Maybe someday soon!

Another pictures I had taken a few days ago.
This was the quote from my daughter about my new digs.
"Oh thats nice (eyes rolling) just don't wear that when
i'm around you"  
Oh my Gina, you are so funny!

Pgh Marathon
83 days
Had a great run today.  
Of course with my brother.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40 of my 365 Blog

Feb 9th,

Happy Saturday!

I hope you all received and read my email for the A-Z photography project.  I can't wait to start it!  

Today my photo-of -the-day is a photography quote that I love and always think about when I am having one of those days!  

Enjoy, and think of how true this is:

How do you like my logo?
So true!!!
Look how little the kids are in the back ground.
Love how the depth of field worked on this photo!

Pgh Marathon
84 days 

I just did another treadmill jog for about 30 min,  just to loosen up my legs from this week.

Tomorrow 2 - 5k  runs for time.
and then maybe an easy jog after.

Good night!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39 of my 265 Blog

Feb 8th,

Friday is here!  I love Fridays!

My Photo's of the day is a little about my training.

 My Running shoes

 My Crosfit shoes  WOD

Training in lots of snow.  My boots I wear to RAW

Pgh Marathon
85 days
It was Tabata Friday, but I opt out of the incline part because of the L hip injury.
I did
10 speed flat Tabata
then an afternoon treadmill run 
30 sec on 30 sec off
12 times

Have a great night to all that read my blog.

Good night!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38 of my 365 blog

Feb 7,

Had a great day,  spent the day cleaning out my closet!  3 hours of it,  really!  But I love the way I feel after I am done.  I had a really great work out today too.  Even tho I am so SORE from this weeks WOD's, today I just busted thru the work out and did really well.  I love these days.

Derek is on his way home from Vegas, YAY!  I can't wait for him to get home.  Miss him sooooo much!  Gina and I had a great dinner tonight,  I love the days with just her and I.  I really wish I could have a day with just me and DJ at some point.... Hint, Hint, DJ!!

My photo of the day is an easy photoshop photo.  I love to make little "things" surprises for my daughter.  She really loves dry erase boards,  yes, dry erase boards!  so I though that I would make a personalized one for her and her BFF!  Here is what I came up with.  

Such pretty girls!!!!
Now I just have to place my order and they should have them within a week or so.

If anyone wants to purchase one,  please let me know.  I am charging $20.00 (8x12)
It comes with a stick on clip and marker as well as ,magnets adhered to the back. 

Pgh Marathon
86 Days

Crossfit WOD
Fun Fun Fun!
Tabatas Tabatas Tabatas
20sec on 10sec break
8x's = 4 minutes
We did,
Rowing, Squats, push up, pull ups, sit ups
20 mins of work

we had to do 
1 min handstand hold
2 min. wall ball bridge hold
3 min wall sit holds

I had a really good work out, 
even tho my gluts were on fire and so sore from the other day.

Good Night!
Tabata run in the morning! YIKES!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 of my 365 blog

Feb 6th,

Hello, and good night!!!

Photo of the day,  Kitkat thinks it's ok to sit on end table.

sorry about the poor quality,  Iphone pic!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36 of my 365 blog

Feb 5th,

I have had the most relaxing day today, after my 2-a-day workouts.  I made myself do it! 

I did a ton of laundry, and relaxed!  I don't think I have had a day like this in months.  Felt really good!

Starbucks, makes laundry better!  

Pgh Marathon 
88 days

Had a 2-a-day work out today
started with a 1mi. TT 
2- 400's
(not bad at all)

Every min. complete 
(4) 65# and (2) 85# 
Front squats
so you had to front squat 
4x 65#, then 2x85# 
8x thru
5 rounds of 
5 (85#) back squats
10 (35#) over head lunges
5 burpees
10 (30#) ball slams
killer Ab workouts

Have a wonderful night!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 of my 365 blog

Feb 4th,

Happy 40th Birthday to my Derek!  Wow it's crazy to think that I have spent 24 birthdays with my husband.  CRAZY!  
We celebrated his birthday with a great dinner with family and friends (friends that I hope to be in the family soon enough)  Hint, hint Dj and Nicole!  LOL!

Here are a few pics from tonight~  

Happy Birthday!

Pgh Marathon
89 days away!

Track WOD

At home WOD
Jumprope and sit ups
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Each

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34 of my 365 blog

Feb 3rd,

I had a wonderful photosession today with my daughter and her friend Blake.  We love the snow, and had to go out and have a mini session!  These girls are so much fun and so brave!

Here are just a few of the girls favorite.  Gina did the photoshop on some of them, and I think she did a fantastic job.  

These two have been best friends for over 10 years!

Beautiful girls!

BFF's forever

Pgh Marathon
90 Days.

Rest Day!
I was to go running, but was not feeling well AGAIN!!!

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