Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48 of my 365 Blog (Word of the day 'Blur')

Feb 17th.

Wow! Sunday comes and go's by so quickly.  I posted the words of the week for letter 'B'.


Challenge word is

My 'B' photo of the day is: Blur also called Bokeh pronounced "(Bo-Ke)" in photography terms.  

Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light"

Here are a few samples:

Lights in town very blurred out.

This was one of my senior session I had photographed in the fall.

 The one on the left has no Bokeh,  the one on the right has a shallow depth of field, which means the focal point is on the subject and lots of background blur, or Bokeh 

Frontal blur/bokeh-  Flowers were in front of her and were blurred out and focused on the subject.

 I love this Bokeh on the back ground here,  and just love this lil guy!
My cousins son, Chase!

Pgh Marathon
77 Days 

I was going to run my 10 miles this morning with the Bro, but we had to cancel because of the snow.
So I did some ladder workouts
I was suppose to do this on the speedboard at RAW, but could not make it in time.
So I did:
1min on, 50 sec break
1min on, 40 sec break
and went all the way down to 10sec break, 
then started back up the ladder with 
1 min on, 10 sec break
1 min on, 20 sec break
..... and so on!

I was so upset at my self that I could not hold a pace faster then 8.0,  until I realized that I didn't lower the incline.  It was on 5%.
That was a tough, tough workout.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! When are you going to give me my photo lessons? I downloaded Lightroom...HELP!
