Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 65 of my 365 Blog (1st 'D' word delicate)

March 6th,

The 'D' words this week are:

My 1st 'D' word is delicate.  This may be a boo'ed 'D' word, but I think it is a good one!

Everyone was posting pictures of the beautiful snowy day today,  I loved seeing all of them on FB.  I also love to photograph snow,  here are a few from today.

The snow laying on the thin tall grass seems so delicate to me.  
When I think of snow, I also think of it being so delicate, and fragile!
Just my thoughts.

~See for yourself ~ 

PGH Marathon
59 days

Snow day, and a rest day.
Not feeling well today,  I hope I'm not getting sick.

Felling down again.  

I may be in a bit of trouble if I don't get myself back to this training thing.
Starting over hopefully tomorrow!

Good night all!


  1. daylight savings is Saturday...more sunlight, that should make you feel better. Lots of people are feeling like you do, me included! We need a good dose of vitamin D - SUNSHINE!!!

  2. You are so talented!!!! Hang in there, Cyndi.....yes, more sunshine is GOOD...and it's going to be in the 50's this weekend! Great weekend to run!!!!
