Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 90 of my 365 Blog (4th 'G' word 'Goth')

March 31st,

Happy EASTER!!!!  Hope you had a fantastic day!

I don't have the Goth picture that I wanted to do this week.  Gina would not model for me!  Oh well,  here is another dark picture I thought of.  This is my cat all bundled up.  I really think it is a really cool picture, and may do want my mom suggested me to do.  I may have to enlarge this one!  

I can't believe she is going to be 14 years old this month.

PGH Marathon
35 days

Did my half Marathon today
Not as good as I wanted, NO PR!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 89 of my 365 blog (3rd G word "glass")

March 30th,

Had a great day!  Did a Boudoir photo session this afternoon, and it was so beautiful!  Love those kind of photo sessions.  I would post pictures but have not started them yet, and I have to get permission from my client.  She is a beautiful girl!

Glasses filled with easter egg dye!

Pgh Marathon
36 days

REST day!  
Doing a 13.1 time trial tomorrow morning!

Happy Easter Eve everyone.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 88 of my 365 blog

March 29th,

Pgh Marathon
37 days

13.4 open wod of 
7min AMRAP
Clean and jerk  95#  (75#)
toes to bar

I finished up
12 clean and jerks
Rowed and also did KB wod

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87 of my 365 blog (2nd G word "Geometric")

March 28th,

Ummmm, Can you say DUSTY!  This is part of a candle holder that I have, and just noticed how gross it is.  I really need to clean!  LOL!  

Could this be GEOMETRIC?

PGH Marathon
38 days!

Crossfit day

5x5 Deadlift
Maxed out at 205#

Then we did a partner WOD of:
100 deadlifts 105#
100 burpees
100 KB Swings 35#
100 Goblet squats  35#
100 jumping pull-ups
4000 meter row

WOW!  Thank God it was a partner WOD!

Practiced toes-to-bars

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 86 of my 365 blog

March 27th,

Gina made some awesome chocolate peanut butter cupcakes tonight from scratch.  They were so yummy and pretty!

YUMMY,  Thank you Gina girl!!
....and she had to have Zebra print!!

PGH Marathon
39 days,
OMG, getting so excited!

Ran with the bro today and it kicked my bum!

Day 85 of my 365 blog (1st G word "Gentle")

March 26th,


I just love my Zoe,  she really can be so gentle and cuddly, just like this!  

She LOVES her blanket and my feet!

PGH Marathon
40 days!  REALLY!!


R.A.W.  was great and I felt really good!
Combinations of:
Hang Squat Cleans 
KB Swings
Back Squats
150 Abmat sit-ups for time

I love these kinds of WODS

4-  1k repeats:
(rest time is getting heart rate back down to 120)
1) 5:13
2) 4:55
3) 4:59
4) 4:57
I think that was good for me.  That was so hard for me!

Day 84 of my 365 blog

March 25th,


I have been eating so many banana's lately!  

PGH Marathon
41 days!!! 

After the run yesterday,  I decided to take a break!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 83 of my 365 Blog (4th 'F' word 'Flower)

March 24th,


I had a great day!  Went for a run in the city with the bro, and it felt really good,  it's about freakin time.  Then I had a really fun time at the mall with Derek and Gina.  While Derek went to get his manicure and pedicure Gina and I had a fun time shopping.  Today was a little different, it was my turn to shop.  This NEVER happens, it is always about the kids.  Gina picked out some awesome clothes for me,  and not so awesome clothes but don't tell her that!  LOL!  

She did pick out this necklace with a 

I start my job for the 2nd time, but this time I will be full time at the office.  Derek has a dress code of NO jeans  (I only have jeans and workout clothes).  So that means I needed to get some new clothes, NO jeans!  This was so difficult for me, casual no jeans wardrobe!
Here are some of the outfit I got today with help from Gina. 

I had to get at least one pair of Rock Revival's
Love these cropped

PGH Marathon
42 days

Great run with the bro,  went 12.5 miles.
Feeling really good not even a bit sore.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 82 of my 365 blog

March 23rd.

This is the typical Saturday morning after breakfast.  I make breakfast, clean up and get kicked in the butt!  This is how they treat me!

Dont judge, this is the morning look!

I think I deserve some flowers after that one!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 81 of my 365 blog

March 22nd,

LAUNDRY and I have a love hate relationship!

I always ask my dear kids to bring down all of their laundry, and their response is "I don't have any to bring you!'  WELL!!!  They LIE!!  
I went into their closet and found.....


PGH Marathon
44 Days!

Loved RAW WOD today,

Row (cal)
Ball slams 20#
AbMat situps

Tabata mash up

5- 800 meter runs

Feeling great today!
I also had a great evening working with my SIL Vanessa on her strength building.
She is doing GREAT!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 80 of my 365 blog.

March 21st

When we went to Florida, we told Gina that we did not have anytime to go to the pool to lay out.  But we told a little white lie, and she busted us with this cell phone picture.  We only went to the pool once for about 30 min,  just to take a little nap before dinner.
She should really be a detective!  LOL!!

She zoomed in on his sunglasses and saw me in my bathing suit!  
She was so mad at me,  but I think it's hysterical!!! 

Pgh Marathon
44 days!

Raw WOD!  

6mile run!  
2- 5ks TT
1st:  26:00
2nd: 26:10

Day 79 of my 365 Blog (3rd 'F' word 'Fire')

March 20th,


No explanation!  I have to say,  I really liked Kris's 'Fire'  picture!!  Way o think outside the box and way to get those double unders.

I love my gas stove.
Never had one until a few years ago!

Pgh Marathon
45 days!

1 mile time trial,
2 miles in 15:45

Day 78 of my 365 blog (my 2nd 'F' word 'FLY')

March 19,


This was a picture on our way back home. 

Pgh Marathon
46 days

Raw day, and treadmil run.

Day 77 of my 365 blog (1st 'F' word Fabulous)

March 18th,


Derek and I has such a great time looking at houses during our Florida trip!  
This is my dream pool,  it was FABULOUS!!

Pgh Marathon
47 days!

Raw work out was great.

Day 76 of my 365 blog

March 17th,

This picture is for the Ragnar Miami girls and proof that bridges can be hilly in Florida!!

Very pretty, but WOW thats a steep bridge!
This would have been the perfect day for a run,  60* and breezy!

Pgh Marathon
48 Days

Day 75 of my 365 blog (4th 'E' word Entrance)

March 16th,


Derek and I went on a last min get-a-way to Florida.  Only spent the day there, but we really needed some alone time.  

Here is an Entrance that we went thru while we were looking for a place to stay.  Not a good idea to go during spring break, with no hotel reservation.  This was a bed in breakfast, and they were booked.  

Pgh Marathon
49 days

Day 74 of my 365 blog

March 15th,

Hello again,  Hope all is well with the 2 of you that read my blog.  Oh, how I have missed my blog-ers!

Well another food blog for you,  I use these all the time, for a few different things.

-Taco salad or any salad
-Fruit bowl 
-Ice cream bowl,  Shhhh!  
(If you use some spray butter and sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on it before you cook them,  it is really tasty!) 

I saw these on an infomercial, and ordered them,  I usually do not order thing like this, but I had to try them.  I have also seen them in Walgreens too.  They are great,  come in a 4 pack.  

Start with...

Place in tins...

Oven 305* for 6-8 min

Here it is!!!!


Pgh Marathon
50 Days!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 73 of my 365 blog (3rd 'E' word Excitment)

March 14,


I love to try new foods, and try to make new foods.  They don't always taste very good,  BUT today I tried something new and I got so excited that it turned out good and it is a great healthy snack for me too!!!!

So EXCITED, you all have to try this!  YUMMY!!

You start with some carrots

slice them very thin (mine were a little to thick)

Add about 2tsp of Coconut oil

Add some Sea Salt

Put in oven at 350 for 30 min, and then broil them for about 5-7 min.
to get crispy

A great sweat and tad bit salty
Carrot fries.  YummY!

Pgh Marathon
51 day

Raw training was great!

Lots of backsquats,

Wall balls
KB swings
Ball slams
Ab mat sit ups
Row for calories
finished in
17:?? min

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 72 of my 365 blog (2nd 'E' word exercise)

March 13th.
'E' words of the week


My 'E' word today is exercise!  Something I enjoy doing,  I wish I had a new picture of me doing some exercise but I don't!  Here are some quotes I just love and reflect on.

Pgh Marathon
52 days


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 71 of my 365 Blog (1st letter 'E' word Eye)

March 12th,

'E' words of the week


I know a few of you probably do not know this,  but I just love horses,  I have always wanted a horse of my own but have never had the opportunity to own one.  Maybe some time in the near future I will.  
I do get to ride horses a few times a year.  I go to Rolling Hills Ranch in Bridgeville Pa.  about 2x a month in the from April thru Oct.  I just love it there and sometimes I take my camera and get some pictures of the horses. 

Here is an eye of one of my favorite horses named JD.  He is a very stubborn horse, but I just love him!

If you stare at the first picture, it will play tricks with your eyes.  Is this his left eye, or right eye?

He was playing in the hey!
Can you tell?

Pgh Marathon
53 days

5k TT on treadmil
wish I could have ran it out side, but G was sick today

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 70 of my 365 blog

March 11th,

I love weddings, and wedding season is coming up really fast.  Today I am putting the finishing touch ups on a beautiful wedding album,  only have 2 pages left to design.  I LOVE designing albums,  it just takes so much time for me to complete them.   I guess it's my detail oriented personality I have!  I would love to show you some of the layouts I have done, but I need to wait for the Bride to see it first!  I will be sure to take pictures of the album when it comes in, in a month or so!

Tonight,  I spent some time helping out my sister in law Vanessa, and loved every moment of it.  She asked me to help her start working out.  I have always wanted to be a Personal Trainer, and now I think it is time to say that I am in training for my personal training certificate!  I can't wait to be able to start training clients.  I don't want to be working in a gym, I just want to have this to help out my family and friends.  I can't wait to help people get healthy.

My photo of the day is my healthy snack that I eat all the time!  I just love this, and I hope you all try it sometime.  

Blueberries and almond milk!

Pgh Marathon
54 days

RAW was tough
5 min AMRAP
3- C2B
6 - pistal squats
9 - HRPU


5 rounds of
5- Deadlifts
5- hang clean
5- front squats
5- push press

2000 meter row

Run was
40s on- 20s off @ 10% incline
10 times

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 69 of my 365 blog (5th 'D'd word Distant)

March 10th,

The 'D' words this week are:

I have 2 different distant pictures for ya!

Our beautiful city off in the distance!
Poor quality again, taken from cell phone this am before our run!

These are my long distant running shoes,  
they now have 187 miles on them.

I do keep track of all the miles on my shoes, and only wear them for 200 miles at a time.
13 more miles left in them,  going shoe shopping this week!  

Pgh Marathon
55 days

Great run with the bro today,

Day 68 of my 365 blog (4th 'D' word Dangle)

March 9th,

The 'D' words this week are:

We had some funny kids in the hood TP us!  We just laugh it off tho, and it gave me a great picture for the word dangle.

They also left us a surprise at our front door.

Very poor quality, 
Dangling  TP from our front tree!!

They put a christmas tree at our front door,
I guess they didn't want to pay the extra fee to have it picked up on garbage day.
I also want to know who keeps a christmas tree up until MARCH!! 

Pgh Marathon
56 Days

3x12 min runs