Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 111 of my 365 blog

April 21st,

It was a beautiful day to run this morning, and it was so cold for April.  I really enjoyed the cold weather, and I am hoping it stays this way until the Marathon.  I know everyone will be mad that I say this, but as some of you know heat really kills me when running.  My perfect running weather is 40*.

This is my pictures of the day.
Morning dew!

PGH marathon
2 weeks from today!

Ran a great 15 mile run with the BRO!


  1. I am hoping it stays cold, too, for my husband's sake. Last time he ran the full Pgh marathon he got severe heat stroke at mile 17 and landed in the hospital overnight. He needs that cool temp for distance! I will keep my fingers crossed.....
    Is that the furthest you've run now? I'm so pumped for you!!!! Glad it was a good run.
